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Sree Harsha Tanneru

Graduate Student Researcher @ Harvard University

About Me

Hey there! Welcome to my personal website. I am a 2nd year Masters (Thesis) student in Computational Science at Harvard University advised by Prof. Himabindu Lakkaraju. I work broadly in the realm of trustworthy machine learning, and particularly, explainability, uncertainty quantification, interpretability, and fairness.

Prior to graduate school, I was a Lead Product Engineer in Machine Learning at Sprinklr AI for three years developing distributed machine learning systems for vision, language and speech processing. A few products I worked on - Visual Insights, Conversational AI, Voice AI. In what seems like a lifetime ago, I graduated with a Bachelors degree from Indian Institute of Technology Madras where I was advised by Prof. Balaji Srinivasan. I had a fun time working on problems in computational fluid flow simulations and numerical methods, which gradually turned into an interest in machine learning.

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Research Interests

  1. Faithfulness in foundation models
  2. Explainability
  3. Interpretability


  1. Chirag Agarwal, Sree Harsha Tanneru, Himabindu Lakkaraju. Faithfulness vs. Plausibility: On the (Un)Reliability of Explanations from Large Language Models, Preprint. Under Review.

  2. Himabindu Lakkaraju, Sree Harsha Tanneru*, Chirag Agarwal*. Uncertainty In Natural Language Explanations of Large Language Models, Accepted at AISTATS 2024, and a Spotlight Paper at NeurIPS R0-FoMo 2023 Workshop

  3. Alexander Lin*, Sree Harsha Tanneru*, Lucas Monteiro Paes*, Suraj Srinivas, and Himabindu Lakkaraju. Word-Level Explanations for Analyzing Bias in Text-to-Image Models, Presented at ICML 2023 Workshop on Challenges of Deploying Generative AI

  4. Sree Harsha Tanneru*. Edge Importance Scores for Editing Graph Topology to Preserve Fairness, Presented at ICML 2023 Workshop on Topology, Algebra, and Geometry in Machine Learning

  5. Dr. Balaji Srinivasan, T Sree Harsha*. Reconstruction of Flows using Convolutional Neural Networks, ISME Journal of Thermofluids Volume 5(1): 01-15. doi: 112019


Teaching Experiences

I had the fortune of being a teaching fellow for following classes during my masters.

Here's what my students have to say about me. Not so subtle *humble brag* follows.
word cloud
  • "Sree was extremely helpful during office hours in explaining more complex topics discussed in class."
  • "Absolutely stellar TF, very grateful for his help during the course."
  • "Super helpful when I was confused about something!"
  • "He was an invaluable TF for so many of us and helped us whenever we had questions or concerns."
  • "He was extremely nice with everybody and made sure every single person fully understood the concepts and had their questions answered in their entirety."
  • "Couldn't have gone through 187 without him!"
  • "I wasn't able to go to Sree's office hours until about halfway through the semester, and I really regret that I couldn't go sooner."
  • "His office hours were very helpful in understanding the material but he also answered our (usually dumb) questions in such a respectful way that encouraged us to ask more questions so that we could fully comprehend the material."
  • "One of the best tf's i've had in a class. Would not have made it through this class without Sree."


I (make an attempt to) read. Find me on goodreads.

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